Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pedophilia in Jamaica is an Age Old Problem

People are upset over the recent spate of sexual attacks on not only girls but boys. It is quite understandable how anyone could be upset when our precious young ones are molested and violently murdered. The number of cases identified by the local media would give an impression that sexual molestation of minors have been a recent phenomenon. However, pedophilia has always been a prevalent, crime in Jamaica but has not been brought to the forefront by the media until the recent atrocious murders. This crime not only plagues children in the countryside but also throughout the cities with adults in homes taking advantages of minors. And, this crime does not solely occur in a victim's home. Places of worship, the church, are known to harbor pedophiles who portray themselves as "men of God". As a result, these "men of God" have been abusing the trust of their congregation. Throughout the years, many Catholic priests have been associated with pedophilia. But, this crime is not only common to the catholic religion since recent reports on National Public Radio (NPR) indicates that the Jehovah Witness have been plagued with child abusers, such as Jonathan Kendrick. While the Watch Tower have tried to keep this crime among themselves, a lawsuit by a member have made the troubling act known to the public. It is important for mothers and female adults to form lasting bonds with minors so that children will feel comfortable speaking to an adult when they are troubled such as experiencing sexual molestation. It is only then that children will have a chance to stand up for themselves.

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