Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A.J. Nicolson Needs To Retire Now!

Paul Stephens (left) pictured with fellow Jamaican pilot Mark Johnson during a prison visit in Qatar recently
Amazing!! I am listening now to Paul Stephens and Judy O'Sullivan who are speaking live to Cliff Hughes on NationWide network. Stephens is still in Quatar and says he was physically assaulted many times but at this time, he is in good spirits. This is the perfect case that shows A.J. Nicholson needs to retire immediately!! He is absolutely useless! He showed his true colors with his nasty comments when he was told in an interview with the Jamaican Observer Online how Edmund Bartlett and O'Sullivan was progressing in obtaining Stephens's release. After Stephens has spent so many years incarcerated away from his young children, Nicholson has the nerve to ask if Stephensl is a king! Really?? Nicholson's comment shows he is nasty and arrogant. Stephens is a Jamaican and there is no reason why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs could not have helped in gaining his freedom. They have done absolutely not a thing!!

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